Monday, November 5, 2012

My "NO" Vote...Allow Me to Clarify.

I've come under a bit of heat since my post about "Why I'm Voting No..." and that was expected...anticipated...and dare I say welcomed?  Because without these tough conversations, change doesn't happen.  I doubt women received the right to vote and interracial marriage was legalized without some controversy and hard conversations between friends.

But allow me a moment to clarify one of the points I made.  It appears that my reference to some Old Testament scripture may have come off as mocking.  That was not my intent at all.  Here's  my purpose in referencing that scripture.  I cannot rationally wrap my mind around the thought that one Old Testament law was relevant only for that period in time, but another law (gay marriage) is apparently relevant for eternity.  How does that work and who decides?

Sure, these laws had their context...they fit in for that time and that place, I'm not disputing that.  The point I am trying to make is that it's not fair to choose.  To choose to hold on to one piece of that and not all of it.

Here's the other part that I find difficult.  I read so many things that say, "Gay Marriage shouldn't be allowed because being gay is a sin..." [For the record, and I think this is obvious but I'll say it anyway, I disagree with this statement.]  By that logic, then all sexual sin and immorality and anyone who has engaged in it should not be allowed to marry.  This would include anyone who has engaged in pre-marital sex, had an affair or been divorced by those same Old Testament standards.  And yet I don't see people picketing and posting signs asking to ban these individuals from being married.

It's true, many of my opposition would say that homosexuality is something that is chosen and is done repeatedly [Again, a statement I disagree with] but if that is the argument, then glance again at the above list because I'd say all of those are also chosen and often repeated.

And again, if I'm being completely personal faith [I'm not declaring this ultimate truth, simply what I believe] is just a portion of my decision to Vote No.  I believe Jesus was inclusive, not exclusive.   I'm also voting no because I want a world wear people truly can achieve their dreams, especially if that dream is to be gay & married.  And also, because it ultimately comes down to an equal rights issue.  You can read more thoughts on voting no here.  There are stories from gay and straight families alike, the church and so much more.  I urge you to take a moment to explore it.

In conclusion, this post is probably going to receive even more backlash than my original, but I'm ok with that.  I'm passionate about this subject.  I'm passionate that my friends receive that same rights I do.  And I'm willing to take a little smack for it.

I believe in a world where we are truly equal.  And yes, progress is made, albeit slower than I'd like...Women can now vote, blacks and whites can be married...and someday, I hope, my gay friends will have that same privilege and I'll be able to dance at their LEGAL and RECOGNIZED wedding celebration.

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