Friday, November 2, 2012

Why I'm Voting "No"...

This year Minnesotans will be asked to vote on adding a constitutional amendment.  The question is, “Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to provide that only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as marriage in Minnesota?” 

This post is a reflection of my reasoning as to why I am voting "NO" to this amendment...It is not intended to offend you...or upset you in any way.  It's simply one Minnesotan sharing her thoughts on the subject.

In my heart of hearts...I believe LOVE IS...LOVE IS...LOVE.  And I believe that's the way God intended it. Now, you may feel the need to defend this...saying, "Adam & Eve..." or quoting several Old Testament references to the subject.  Who your arsenal you may even have some New Testament scripture you'd throw at me stating why homosexuality is wrong.  But if you do, I'd hope that you'd be ready for the scripture that I would spout back at you.  I was going to pull my own, but luckily a Facebook friend did it for me the other day...

Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.
- Leviticus 19:19

I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.
1 Timothy 2:12

Let alone when Moses says in Deuteronomy that if your brother dies, you must marry his wife.

And maybe you'll say these verses have no context in our society today...but then can you really say that any scripture does?  How can you point to one verse and call it relevant but not the other?

Enough with the biblical context, I could argue this all day and I'm guessing my opposition could as well.  I simply reference it first because it seems to be the go-to reason for many "Vote Yes-ers"

Here are my last two points...You may or may not have heard the radio ads that say you need to vote Yes because if you don't heterosexual marriage will be ruined because they will teach about Gay Marriage in schools.  Seriously?  How does that ruin your straight marriage?  Because it wouldn't ruin's funny to me that people would be ok with their kids learning about Hitler and the Holocaust...all of the World Wars...and evolution but would be upset about Gay Marriage being referenced.  It's are going to know what Gay is.  They should know.  And they should be tolerant...if not welcoming, accepting, loving and compassionate.

And finally this...I'm a parent, as I'm sure many of you that are reading this are.  I look at my little girl each day and love her so much more than I thought was possible.  As she grows I want the best for her.  Heck, I want to give her the world.  I want her to grow up believing she can do and be anything she wants if she sets her mind to it.  Where does this amendment begin to effect this?  If someday down the road my daughter comes to me and tells me that she is gay -- she likes girls -- I never want to have to change that phrase and say to her..."Honey, you can be anything you want to be...except gay & married...because a bunch of people voted and took that right away from you."  In my mind there would be nothing worse than limiting your child's hopes and dreams.

So do yourself a favor...If you're voting Yes, make sure you have done your research...Make sure you've befriended a gay couple or a gay family...make sure you understand the significance of your vote.  Make sure you comprehend what you'd be limiting and taking away.

And if you're voting NO -- virtual high-five right here -- share your reasoning.  Don't be afraid to explain to others why you are passionate about it.  Don't let fear of being belittled or badgered keep you from sharing what's on your heart.  Stand up for EQUALITY and STAND UP FOR LOVE. Make sure your VOICE IS HEARD.

Thanks for hearing me out, I appreciate it.

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