Monday, June 25, 2012

Not That Witty....

Here's what I can tell you...for some time now I've felt this share.   To share my thoughts, questions, share.  One key thing has held me back....FEAR.  Fear of rejection, fear that my thoughts aren't profound enough, fear of failure.  Then it hit me...I determine what is a failure to me...and if the purpose of this blog is simply to share, then I really can't fail. 

You see, I have a lot of alone time -- well alone being me + baby + dog -- and as much as I love the two of them, we don't have the most riveting conversations.  But I have all these thoughts and questions bubbling all day long...and most of the time, they don't go beyond me.  Sometimes because I forget about them by the time I interact with any adults, sometimes because I don't want to sound stupid...well, pish are my thoughts...take them or leave them, read or don't read, agree or disagree...that's all fine, because truth be told, this blog isn't for's for me.  And there's something that just feels right to me about putting my thoughts down on paper...albeit digital paper...I guess I like the idea that my children, or grandchildren, will be able to read my thoughts and know me from a time they might not remember.

How about that title?  Yep, "Not That Witty"...well, all the blog names I thought of were already taken or unavailable.  I tried to come up with something witty and clever...but it turns out I'm not that witty.  Then I checked and what do you know?  "Not That Witty" was available.  Bam.  Blog Title.

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